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Tera Online Review
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Tera Online aka The Exiled Realm Of Arborea is an mmorpg developed by Bluehole Studios published by En Masse Entertainment (USA&CANADA) Frogster Interactive Pictures (EU) And Hangame (JP)
Bluehole Studios was founded in 2007, they are renowned for the Plex System in EVE Online, Tera Online has a similar system we know as Chronoscrolls which allows game time to be purchased with real money and sold for in-game gold.
The main plot of the game is focused on two omnipotent titans named Arun and Shara who fell in love during a great battle and fell togheter asleep in a voidless state of slumber. When the gods started to dream, their dreams materialised on their backs and created the world we all know as Tera. In this paradise world life began to take shape, twelve godlike beings dreamt up by the titans now call Tera their home. Soon afterward war begun brewing between them.
Arun dreamed of ambitious Elves, clever Humans, honor bound Amani, powerful Giants, scheming Devas, and mischievous Poporis. Shara dreamed of sly Sikandari, dark Gulas and Vampires, fierce Wendigos, strange Faeries, and serpentine Nagas.
A metallic race from the underworld called Argons; their goal is to take over Tera and wake the titans to end their dreams and destroy Tera.
Races and Caracter Classes.
You can create a caracter based on one of seven races Aman, Baraka, Castanics, Elins, The High-Elves, The Humans and Popori. The Baraka, Elin, and Popori are gender locked.
Caracter Classes.
You can chose between eight caracter classes: Archer, Berserker, Lancer, Mystic, Priest, Slayer, Sorcerer, Warrior.
The graphics of the game are absolutely stunning, the amazing envoirement Of Tera really stands tera gold out as a god's dream. From the lush tropical jungle filled with temples that inhabit alive moving statues to arid fire blazed deserts that play hosts to frightning Stone Golems and other wildlife threats.
Tera online is made with very popular and well optimized Unreal Engine 3. Unreal Engine 3 was developed by Epic Games Studio and its the foundation of games like Gears of War and Bulletstorm also Mortal Kombat IX.
TERA's crafting system is simple but deep. Gather materials, refine them with reagents, then combine them in a recipe with some purchased parts and fittings. Gather fiber from plants for cloth. Mine ore from rocks for metals. Draw energy from crystalline shards for alchemical essences. You will use alchemy when you're crafting focus weapons. Monsters drop hides for leather armor, as well as the runes that give items the magic of the two titans: Runes of Shara imbue weapons with Shara's power, while runes of Arun imbue armor. Higher level armor and weapons also need Runes of Titans, imbued with both.
Any character can craft any item, regardless of the item's intended class. Craft halls in Velika, Allemantheia, and Kaiator sell basic designs and any parts you'll need. All crafting you do with a skill increases it, but success boosts your skill faster. Refine enough materials for a few items to raise your crafting skill enough to build them. Buy the recipe, learn it, hit your bench, and crank out an item!
That's it! Each profession produces worthwhile items across a ten-level spread from just one basic material, so little of what you gather goes to waste as you advance.
As far as skills go Tera has a system were you dont need a skill tree or stats distribution instead you buy your skills with gold from the skill trainer. Crystals play an important role in Tera Online; equipping the right crystals can you help you overcome a lot of things such as leveling faster and winning a fight against other players easily. A wide variety of non enhanced crystals can be purchased through the NPC shop, but the best ones are dropped from monsters and bosses.
Tera is more than eye candy, is immense, is original and its worth your time and money. Before trying this game to satisfy my own curiosity i was convinced that this game is not worth my time, apparently I was wrong although I am a huge Guild Wars fan, Tera mannaged to catch my attention in many ways. Many people may not agree with this review mainly becouse BlueHole Studios was accused of intelectual theft thats why i have to say that MY PERSONAL Review of this game is based entirely on the experience of playing this game, and i based my criteria on Visuals, Gameplay, Art-Style, Content.
Source: mmosite
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