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Guild Wars 2 - Beta Weekend Event 2 Overview

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So beta weekend 2 is over, the third 'public' event where ArenaNet have show cased their game and allowed the public to rampage throughout the world of Tyria, killing players, bosses and saving towns. Of course, beta is still beta; there are bugs everywhere and some things that don't work, but it's a polished beta, as most people are concerned, in a beta stage the game feels more polished and has more content than other MMORPG's that have been out for years.

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But what exactly has changed since BWE1 or the last stress test? Well, there is the extensive patch notes list, but the additions are what we're focusing on here. The Gem store is no longer called the Gem store, it's now 'owned' by the Black Lion Trading Company which keeps with the immersive RPG feel and makes it feel less 'cash shop' and more something you can choose to buy with gold, but have alternative options available also.

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Probably the biggest and most time consuming change for me, was the 'dungeon' inside W3 I use the word dungeon lightly, because it's more like a platforming level of death which is frustrating and heartbreaking. Inside every keep is a portal to a new and hidden area of the Eternal Battlegrounds in which there is a diamond which shines a light up to a high location. Obviously you need to get there, but how? It's full of twists and traps and is very frustrating.

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Tournament PvP: arguably the best addition so far, you can now team up with 4 friends (or find 4 randoms) and go into a 5v5 tournament. 8 Teams get entered and there are three rounds. There are prizes for first, second, third and fourth player. Fourth and third get bronze chests worth 200 glory, second place get a silver chest, worth 500 glory and first place gets a gold chest worth 1K glory and some glory points as well. The chests contain random buy Guild Wars 2 Gold drops from armour pieces (PvP Armours which have to be collected that don't do anything special but look different to make you look better than the competition) Glory boosts, which give you a boost in glory for 30 minutes, dyes and bags. These are just the tier 1 chests and there are more drops to be found in the other tiers, they go up to Tier 15! Each tier requires a certain amount of glory to access.

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If we look away from the PvP additions, there were a lot of subtle changes that some people didn't even notice but were a huge benefit. The energy bar has been moved and looks a whole lot nicer. Animations have been added for when a boon is added and when things have been blocked so combat is a lot clearer and you can actually understand what's going on.

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The optimisation have still yet to be finished and I'm looking forward to a DX11 release so the beta is definitely still beta and I hope Arena Net stay with their intentions on waiting till it's ready to release. I don't care how long it takes as long as when it's released, it's flawless and amazing. I'm sure everyone is excited to see what they pull out for Beta Weekend Event 3 and I know I am too, so stay tuned!

Source: mmosite

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