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Guild Wars 2: Jumping Puzzle - A Leap of Fate
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So there is a dungeon in the eternal battlegrounds. You may be thinking; "What? A dungeon in World vs. World vs. World? How does that even begin to work? " Well, fellow speculative reader, I'll tell you how! It involves a lot of jumping and a lot of rage. It goes without saying that I came across this by accident while in W3 and happened fall into it. (It's a well by a keep) I was amazed! An underground door, which attackers can break into to (so the server who owns the keep aren't the only people who can get in) which doesn't even begin to explain the difficulty of this puzzle.
You get into the area and it's an enormous cavern of sorts that is incredibly tall and is full of interesting views. Just walking in you get a sense of scale of this task and there is a purple diamond in the middle shining a light way, way up in the formation of rocks. Obviously to me, this means I have to get up there! I check around the diamond for any other clues and see you can activate it; interesting to say the least. It shines a light to my left, an entrance to a tunnel.
The tunnel is, unusual to get too. Walking along cliffs and shimmying across rocks, this has definitely not been in another MMORPG; it feels more like a dungeon in the Legend of Zelda. I walk into the tunnel and see dragon like statues on the wall, I seem to be too far taken in by this before I realize they start spitting out fire and I fall down a hole. "What the hell! " I basically cried. It turns out that within this 'dungeon' there are traps other plays can operate to make the Guild Wars 2 Gold puzzle 10x harder for everyone else. Pretty fun for those using the traps, enraging for those who are not. I got right back up, dodge rolled past the fire and found a secret hole in the wall which leads to a series of obscure paths and formations. The map is huge and I spent so much time looking up and around me I wasn't exactly sure where to go, after about 20 minutes of exploring, realizing that i was going the wrong way, I made my way to a tunnel going up.
This tunnel had thin planks of wood you had to walk along and up. Jumping to the next one is a worrying task, but amazingly I managed to make it up the whole thing where I was so high up it was a little intimidating. Falling now would mean my death and restarting. I was focused.
The next 'puzzle' is a series of jumps spaced so far apart unless you jump perfectly you fall. After a couple of times, this would be no trouble if it wasn't for a player-run spike trap across the middle platform which damages you and slows you so you either die, fall and die, or won't make it to the next jump. A lot of people died here, I mean a lot. The easiest way to do it was to use speed buffs to get people across and due to the frustration this puzzled caused it meant our server had a lot of comradery. People reviving the fallen and speed boosting people across, it was nice. Unfortunately there were not many of the other server; I was playing on Desolation and we had destroyed the opposition so they were stuck in spawn for most of the beta weekend event and I doubt many got to try the jumping puzzle, a shame; but that's how W3 goes!
After you made it across the rocks and the spike traps, that was "One third" of the puzzle done. I looked at the time and I had already spent 45 minutes, helping others, having a tough time. (I really suck at platformers) But while I was mad at the game, I wanted to finish it, i needed to finish it. The next section of this puzzle is a complete black out. You're given a torch and you can only see within arm's reach of your character and other characters nearby. You can throw the torch and try to set the area alight for more sight or burn the area around you to signal to other players. This has to be the most annoying yet ingenious MMORPG puzzle out there at the moment. It was so painfully hard and difficult not being able to see throughout a whole third of the dungeon that most of the time was spent using trial and error to remember the path. Being able to throw your torch was a lot of help and helped navigate. Seeing my first glimpse of light after another hour of my time was amazing. But not; I had walked into an arena and yes, you guessed it, the gates open to release various monsters from weak ones, to level 82 elites. My guild mates had fun releasing the monsters on me time and time again as i tried to jump from one chandelier to another. This was extremely annoying because as a ranger, you have to keep your pet with you and you walk slower in combat mode (thus not being able to make the jumps) and the pet (even on avoid combat) would manage to get into combat mid jump and ruin everything for me.
Eventually my guild mates got tired of hazing me and speed buffed me across which made everything a lot easier. That's something I cannot stress more, take a weapon with a speed buff, or have a friend who has an AoE speed buff. It saves you a lot of time and rage, but if you're feeling hard core, try to do it without any speed buffs. I dare you.
Once I made it up to the top of the coliseum I activated the traps a couple of times as a reward for making it and made my way past the last few obstacles to find a GIGANTIC chest. It rewarded me with Karma, Gold, Tokens and random equipment. The reward was less rewarding than the feeling of completing such an enraging task. Ranger without speed boost and a pet that made everything harder, it sure was tough.
Source: mmosite
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