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Inventory in Diablo 3

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Players of diablo 3 will meet and touch diablo 3 inventory, but some of them tend to be unaware of such concept. Here is to introduce inventory to you, hoping this will help you more or less.
When you pick diablo 3 items up, they will appear in your inventory. It holds the loot, including diablo 3 gold, you get while playing Diablo 3. If you want to view your inventory, you can hit the key "I".
On the page of inventory, you can look at the image of your hero. And you are going to see that on different parts of your character class's body, head, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, waist, rings, legs, feet, you have different equipment slots.
What if you want to equip your hero with the items you have found? You are suggested to left-click on the item you need to equip and then drag it the the proper slot, which is outlined in white. Also, you are able to right-click on the item to place it in the correct slot automatically.
Besides displaying the items you are now using, your inventory will also display items you are carrying but still don't have equipped.
There are rows of boxes below the active equipment. It will appear here when you pick up an item. Smaller items like rings and potions will take up a single box worth of space in your inventory. While larger items like shields and spears will take up multiple boxes.
Therefore, you are suggested to manage the inventory so as not to run out of your space.

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