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TERA Updates New Skills for Lancers and Warriors

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With the Argon Queen update, warriors and lancers get new skills for their already-impressive arsenals. From Reaping Slash to Wallop, read on for how you'll be even thougher and deadlier when The Argon Queen arrives.

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Dodging around the battlefield is an effective way to avoid a boss monster's damage, but now it's not the only way. Many of the warrior's new skills give you battlefield control by letting you tank in one place.

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Cross Parry: Raise both swords to block an enemy's attacks. Works only in defensive stance, and lasts as long as the skill is engaged. Drains Resolve while active.

Smoke Flanker: Summons a creature made of smoke at your location, then moves you behind your enemy as the smoke flanker takes over your aggro.

Reaping Slash: A Spinning attack that deals extra damage when your Edge stack is more than three.

The Lancer has always excelled at fighting whatever]s in front of them, but now added ways for them to deal with attacks from the sides and rear and improved theri efficiency in soloplay.

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Wallop: You jump forward and slam your shield against the ground, knocking down nearby enemies. Works even better after a Charging Lunge, SHield Barrage, Debilitate, Shield Counter, or Spring Attack.

Backstep: Leap backward to get away from an enemy perhaps in preparation for a charge!

Additionally, the new skills will consume the new Resolve resource, which will become the resource for your defensive skills and help free up your MP fro more offensive attacks.

Source: mmosite

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