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GW2 -- Let's Get a Little Personal
With Guild Wars 2; the most anticipated MMORPG for many years to be released on the 28th and early access beginning on the 25th it seems like an interesting topic to bring up an element that makes Guild Wars 2 fantastic and give it the spotlight it deserves.
Before I covered the premise of the Personal Story but let’s get in-depth.
The personal story is the storyline or main plot of Guild Wars 2 which, along with events, makes up much of PvE game play. The personal story is independent from random world events and is always available to follow through the game world and the events which occur there. The personal story is told through character specific instances and is personalized by decisions made before and during game play. There are potentially thousands of variations in the stories which can be experienced.
The story is played from one character's perspective for that character's story. Other players can help with another player's story but are not able to make choices which affect the outcome, though they can choose to accept the outcome as their own. The story instances scale with the number of players participating.
When i was first told about this I was rather excited; but now that I’m making this article I have not only experienced the personal Story there is a ton more options and everything makes a lot more sense. Arena Net have said that the Personal story will be a bit like a triangle. The top point being “The End” where you fight the end boss dragon: Zhaitan but who is Zhaitan; why should we care?
Zhaitan is the end boss of Guild Wars 2 as it stands at the moment. One of the six elder dragons which probably indicates expansions or massive patches where the 5 other elder dragons are introduced in to the game with the other continents as well.
Elder Dragons are huge. You won’t be able to see the entire thing on your screen and it’ll definitely be a fight you remember.
Described as forces of nature, akin to a tsunami or earthquake, the Elder Dragons seem unstoppable as they cause widespread destruction across Tyria. The races of Tyria are unable to understand their intelligence, motivation or even gender, as the Elder Dragons are primordial forces. To Tyrians, they are no different from the natural disasters they are described as. However, each of the Elder Dragons has their own unique motivation and ways to act, be it in what they do or how they corrupt things. Each of the dragons has champions which maintain their territories, dealing with invaders and commanding lesser minions.
While the story is personalized and considers different decisions made in character creation and game play, the core story is the same for all: So dangerous and influential are the Elder Dragons that no one's life is unaffected by them. All characters begin as a member of their selected race, experiencing a specific storyline that winds through a racial homeland. As players progress, the different threads begin to intertwine and overlap, culminating in a final conflict against Zhaitan, one of the Elder Dragons. Along the way, characters will encounter the now-scattered members of Destiny's Edge, and have the chance to align with one of three major orders that seek to deal with the Dragons in their own way.
Before entering the world proper, all characters must complete a short tutorial respective to whichever race was selected. These tutorials then connect into the personal storyline that players may follow at their own leisure.
You might be thinking; who are Destiny’s Edge?
The guild Destiny's Edge, once renowned for their efforts preventing the dragons from destroying the world, has fallen apart. Each of the members are from one of the player races and they can no longer see through their differences or pasts to work together. The members can be befriended and the group united again to set the stage for the overarching story.
But look at me go on; you’re probably sitting there saying “There is no way this could all be fit in an MMORPG! ” I’d say you’re wrong. Guild Wars 2 has all of this just as the story. There are all the other features you can do but the story is a huge but only one of the pieces that come together to make the masterpiece that is Guild Wars 2.
At character creation the player can choose different biographical information which will change aspects of what occurs during the story. This might include the social status of the character, their attitude to other races, how friendly the character perceived to be, among many other things. Each race has different choices for their biographical information. The profession chosen will also have a minor effect.
During game play there will be a variety of different decisions the player can make when they resolve different situations which is influenced by the personality system. Do you go in with guns blazing or try for the diplomatic solution? Do you punch the NPC who has been annoying you? Do you turn on the charm to get your way? How these situations resolve themselves will result in cosmetic changes for the character but nothing which will affect the power of the character.
For every 10 levels you have a Chapter of the story. Each chapter has 3 branches and I believe at the moment there are 7000 different variables in the story. (Choices, Race, Gender, Starting Selection)
Are you ready?
Source: mmosite
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