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SWTOR: class changes and balance comes with 1. 4 Update

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The Old Republic website, which describes the proposed changes to the class and balance problems in the 1. 4 Update: A new developer blog published on Star Wars. Austin developer Peckinpaugh has bypass the details, including how the team with "crowd control and the Resolve system, changes made in the following categories in order to harmonize with the control parameters, and re-stealth game rules"

Our goal for crowd control in SWTOR, is skills that offer allow the player to take control of a fight, reversed the situation, and feel to handle myself well. We know that this can be improved, I would like our philosophy and motivation, before the details of the changes can alter itself.
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Before the 1. 4 update of the game, a goal that was easily controlled remotely and to do so immediately, often invisible surprise entry or outfield. How management skills were developed encouraged this behavior, and the resulting game can be frustrating.

Note: Update 1. 4 includes Terror From Beyond work, when it comes out.

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