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Monster Damage In Inferno Decreased

Tags : Diablo 3 gold, monster damage reduced in inferno    

Hey, guys. Have you heard of an important news concerning bonus damage? From Blizzard’s offcial forum, we can learn about that Blizzard has lowered the bonus damage several mobs did with heightened Monster Power on Inferno. As a matter of fact, the reason why they're making these adjustments is as they initially created and completed the bonus values for monster damage in Inferno, they didn’t realize that a bug was producing monster abilities to not measure rightly with every Monster Power level. Anyway, the result of it being fixed implied that monster damage -- specifically damage done by monster abilities -- was higher at MP1 through MP10 than they expected it to be when 1. 0. 5 launched.

Therefore, to bring monster damage back accord with their original aims for the system, Blizzard’s carrying out a hotfix which will decrease the scaling bonus to monster damage in Inferno difficulty by nearly 25% for all Monster Power levels.

Please note that here are the fresh damage values that will be hotfixed in for each MP setting. Come to see the accurate numbers below.

MP1: 109. 60% (down from 114%)
MP2: 120. 12% (down from 130%)
MP3: 131. 65% (down from 148%)
MP4: 144. 29% (down from 169%)
MP5: 158. 14% (down from 193%)
MP6: 173. 32% (down from 220%)
MP7: 189. 96% (down from 250%)
MP8: 208. 20% (down from 285%)
MP9: 228. 18% (down from 325%)
MP10: 250. 09% (down from 371%)

Please be mindful that these changes are about to just apply to monster damage in Inferno difficulty. Monsters in Normal, Nightmare, and Hell won’t be influenced and will go on with their current values.

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