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Diablo 3 Team Deathmatch Is Ditched

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Hello, guys, greetings. Happy New Year! We have learned about that Blizzard has canceled Team Deathmatch. And Diablo 3 design chief Jay Wilson has made related explanation on the official site of diablo 3. He whrites that“In continuing to develop this mode, playtest it, and put it in front of other developers within the company, we've found that it falls short of our expectations for a high-quality Blizzard experience”.

Besides, he stressed that the Team Deathmatch is lacking in depth. “Simply fighting each other with no other objectives or choices to make gets old relatively quickly, ” he said. In fact, they have done a test by asking lots of people try out Team Deathmatch. As a result, most of the testers didn't feel like it was something they'd want to do beyond some hours.

Anyway, we can ensure that Team Deathmatch has been killed and the dueling will be definitely added to the action role-player “soon” as part of the patch 1. 0. 7.

Now, the situation is that development team is trying their best to find replacement for Team Deathmatch and is designing and creating “something that feels more appropriate for Diablo 3”. But, the good news is that whatever this is, it is gonna be a free add-on.

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