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Warrior Classes

Tags : Gladiator, Templar, aion classes, warrior classes, aion ckdey, aion account, aion kinah, aion powerleveling    



Masters of weaponry, the Gladiator is the ultimate fighter. Most gladiator skills utilize the polearm, a weapon exclusive to the Gladiator class; however, dual wielding is still a powerful option as a Gladiator. The Gladiator may stun his opponent into submission.They may also serve as tanks, though they are less effective as Templars, and will only be able to serve as off-tanks or emergency tanks in difficult scenarios. Because of his ability to wear plate armor, the Gladiator sacrifices some damage potential for durability.
The shield-bearers of Aion, Templars are the true tanks. Wielding either a sword or a mace, the Templar may use his shield to protect himself or knock down his opponent. Templars also have the ability to lower the defenses of their opponent. While Templars are weaker at dealing damage than Gladiators, the Templar still may wield a two-handed weapon into battle, and his survivability is beyond any other class. Because of this, Templars must expect to always be on the front line, and will outlast many opponents in PvP.


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