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Aion: 8 Amusing Ways to Kill in PvP

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By Joshua Price from NCsoft.

As a PvPvE game, you're going to encounter hostile players in Aion whether you like it or not in the long run. Naturally, as it goes for when that player meets you and cannot speak to you since each faction's text appears garbled to the other, he'll try to communicate to you in the next most effective manner: by hitting you. Of course, you could get angry and leave, that'd be rude to do when someone is trying to talk to you, so odds are that you will strike up a conversation and start hitting him in return. You two may even have a number of friends who are interested in the same topic and may want to join in. After all, aren't group discussions much more fun and insightful? Unfortunately, as it goes, people involved in the conversation may get tired of it and collapse to the ground in fatigue before disappearing. It's a shame, but if we spoke with each other forever, we'd never get anywhere. But, regardless, the talk between you and the other player will no doubt have been fun and you may go seeking new players of the opposing faction to talk to as well to see what they have to say. However, you might get tired of striking up the exact same conversation repeatedly. You can, however, avert it by steering it a different route. 

Overly extended metaphor aside, there's often nothing more satisfying than killing your opponents in creative or silly ways when it comes to player versus player content in games. I'm sure you've all done it at some point or another, or have been a victim of it. Everything from pushing your opponent over a ledge as opposed to blowing them up with your rocket launcher, blasting a traffic cone into their face, or just letting the environment do the work, it all leads to good times. Aion offers the chance to perform creative and amusing deaths to your foes, all with varying levels of difficulty to pull off and circumstances to be in place.
Keep in mind that a number of these may result in diminished rewards since the opponent will take significant amounts of damage from other sources. The point of kills like these are for sheer amusement and probably won't be easy to pull off normally. But, when you do it, it's great fun. And you'll still get credited with the kill, assuming you hit the other player at least once. Also, I'm not trying to encourage use of exploits for cheap kills here. In fact, I'm not aware of any at present. 

Anyway, numbered for no other reason but to number them. 

#8 Fauna Reinforcements

To my knowledge, the idea of using NPC foes to do the dirty work for you is fairly common. Using NPCs that are hostile to both sides is a bit more difficult, but can be fairly amusing if you pull it off. Luring an enemy into hostile monsters can be difficult, especially if they fight at range. But having random monsters come up and chew on them, particularly elite groups, is fun and also a good tactic for escape if you get overwhelmed. The downside is, if it doesn't work, you're giving your enemies loot and EXP. 

#7 The Ledge of Death 

Aion has a number of steep drops that, when fallen from, result in death or at least lots of damage when you land. Aion also has a number of skills that knock opponents backwards, as well as weapons that do so sometimes on critical hits. It can be tricky to lure a foe near to one of these, but it's immensely satisfying to pull off if you get them there and whack them off the side of the cliff. In fly zones, like the Abyss, you'll probably need to also stun them or otherwise prevent their flight so they can't immediately recover. For those of you who just love to rub things in your opponent's faces, make sure to immediately /wave at them as they go tumbling to their doom. 

#6 Man Overboard 

Extremely hard to pull off, but tossing a foe deep in the water is a great way to take them out. If you get your opponent in the water, they won't be able to fly unless they can jump high enough to clear the surface. Knock them deeper and they'll start rapidly taking damage. Once you have them there, try rooting or sleeping them and just watch as they slowly drown... or you could be mean and speed it up by pelting them with ranged attacks too. There are also a few places where you could send a foe over a ledge and into an ocean, where they may not be able to reach shore before drowning.

#5 Deep Fried Daeva 

Same as above, except with lava. And everything is better with lava, right? Lava does damage at an even quicker rate than drowning and they don't have to be submerged, so it's easier to get the foe to take damage. Particularly in the Abyss where lava isn't too hard to find. Plop them down in some molten rock, trap them there, and pull out a marshmallow and roast it over your burning foe. 

#4 Dive Bombing

No, not you zooming from above to deliver a killing blow, this is you making a flying foe do a dive bomb into the ground from high above and without a good landing. Sometimes, a player will flee to the skies, sometimes very high, to escape. Your first reaction may be to prevent them from flying up there to get away. Don't. Instead, follow them and chase them up and up. Then use an ability to knock them out of the air! They'll plummet to their death and you can gracefully touch down next to their corpse unscathed. Alternatively, you can lure someone chasing you into the sky and then kill them this way too! It works both ways, so be sure to watch out for someone doing this to you when you were going to do it to them! My first PvP kill (and encounter, for that matter) in this game was this exact method. Certainly was a great way to be introduced to PvP. 

#3 IT'S A TRAP! 

Causing chaos and discord among enemy ranks is quite fun. What better way to do it than to pour some onto a group of confident players who think they're perfectly safe? Ambush them! There are plenty of ways to set up an ambush, but what better way than to lure foes into it? Just get a volunteer to place themselves in the open. When the local gank squad comes running, have them run toward your ambush point. Then, at the right moment, attack! Bonus points if you can attack that group from multiple directions, or even surround them! It's a shame you can't understand the other faction, since I suspect their reactions would be priceless! 


Spotted an enemy ambush lying in wait? No, don't get a group and go attack them before they spring, that'd be too obvious and they're watching for it. Instead, lie in wait for them and let them work their trap. Once they spring, have your group spring out and attack them moments later! They won't be expecting it and will have no idea where the extra enemies came from. Very tricky to pull off, but it's hilarious and, again, a shame you can't understand opposing factions. Though, just be on guard for the really rare and savvy foes that might be setting up an ambush for your ambush that's going to ambush that ambush. Of course, you could... no, never mind, this is getting too complicated! 

#1 KOed 

When you attack an opponent without a weapon, you'll punch or claw at them, depending on whether you're an Eylos or Asmodian. Beating another player with just your bare hands is perhaps one of the ultimate accomplishments, ultimate insults, or ultimate embarrassments, depending on your view point. Doing this against a fully equipped and skill using foe borders on impossible, but it could be pulled off. And if you completely strip down to your underwear and do it, then you deserve a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Of course, I'm assuming similar leveled characters. A level 50 punching out a level 1 in a duel won't be anything to write home about. 

I'm sure there's plenty of other ways to kill your opponents unexpectedly. The environment is always handy and I'm sure there's other tricks abound. If you come up with something that's fun to pull and will give you great stories to talk about, give it a shot! However, always be on your guard. Because you'll never know if that other guy is planning on doing it to you.


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