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Full Patch Notes
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1. Added a new function to prevent abnormal game play as a result of specific terrains in the Instanced Dungeons.
-When a player moves where a monster cannot follow, the monster will now correctly continue to attack the player.
-When a player moves where a monster cannot follow, the monster will now correctly continue to attack the player.
2. You no longer receive a reward when you defeat a field boss using a specific NPC.
3. Assigned additional guard NPCs that can detect Stealth to protect allies in the main villages of Heiron (in Elysea) and Beluslan (in
Assigned villages
Paserta Village, Juprosine Village
Besfer Refugee Village, Red Mane Cave Village
4. Increased the eyesight and Stealth detection ability of Mau Warriors and Mau Hunters—the NPC guards assigned to the Silver
Mane Village in Morheim.
5. Changed the name of the guards near the Dredgion entrance in both Elysea and Asmodae.
- Changed the name of the guard in the Teminon Bind Point to Garrison Senior Soldier <Teminon Special Guard>.
- Changed the name of the guard in the Primum Bind Point to Garrison Senior Soldier <Primum Special Guard>.
- Changed the name of the guard in the Teminon Bind Point to Garrison Senior Soldier <Teminon Special Guard>.
- Changed the name of the guard in the Primum Bind Point to Garrison Senior Soldier <Primum Special Guard>.
6. Corrected the spelling errors in the dialog with Stigma Master Nobus in Teminon Fortress.
Instanced Dungeons
1. There is now a high chance of obtaining class Stigma crystals from defeating the boss in the Fire Temple, Raged Judge Kromede.
2. Changed the drop rate of class Skill Books in the Aetherogenetics Lab and Alquimia Research Center.
- Slightly increased the drop rate from monsters in the Instanced Dungeons.
- Greatly increased the drop rate from the final bosses in the Instanced Dungeons.
- Slightly increased the drop rate from monsters in the Instanced Dungeons.
- Greatly increased the drop rate from the final bosses in the Instanced Dungeons.
3. Changed the movement speed of certain bosses in Dark Poeta.
- Increased movement speed of Vengeful Spirit of Forest Protector Noah
- Increased movement speed of Vengeful Spirit of Forest Protector Noah
- Increased movement speed of Vengeful Spirit of Elim Elder.
- Increased movement speed of Spaller Insect Echtra.
- Increased movement speed of Spaller Insect Echtra.
4. Lowered the difficulty of Steel Rake Hutkin, the final boss of the Steel Rake.
- Lengthened the summoning cycle of minion monsters.
- Lowered the level and stats of minion monsters.
- Lengthened the summoning cycle of minion monsters.
- Lowered the level and stats of minion monsters.
5. Changed the system message that displays when the food/water supply unit inside Hutkin’s Safe in the Steel Rake fails to activate.
- Displays system message, "It will be difficult to do this alone. I need one more person to help me push it!" when a character tries
to activate the food/water supply unit alone.
- Displays system message, "It will be difficult to do this alone. I need one more person to help me push it!" when a character tries
to activate the food/water supply unit alone.
6. Stats of all monsters stationed in Dark Poeta have been changed.
- By decreasing Elemental Defense, Magical Attacks will deal more damage.
- Physical Defense has been slightly increased.
- HP of all monsters except for some boss monsters has been decreased.
7.Damage fromTahabata Pyrelord, the ultimate boss monster of Dark Poeta, has been decreased.
8. The difficulty in attacking the Steel Rake Ship has been decreased.
- Some monsters’ levels have been decreased.
- Some monsters have been repositioned for an easier battle in a dungeon and the battle behaviors have been changed as well.
- Food and Drink acquired in Hutkin’s Safe area appear only around the door, and two people can acquire it, rather than three.
9. When defeating the boss monster of the Steel Rake Ship, Golden Eye Mantutu, Engineer Lahulahu, or Captain Hutkin, there’s a
high probability of acquiring a Stigma Stone.
high probability of acquiring a Stigma Stone.
10. nbsp;Madame Bovariki, who is at the bar in the middle layer of the Steel Rake Ship, can drop the Loot Depository Key at any time.
- When you defeat Madame Bovariki, you acquire the key to the second floor of the bar.
11. In the second floor of the Sea Song Tavern in the middle layer of the Steel Rake Ship, there is now an additional treasure chest.
12. You can go between the lower and middle layers of the Steel Rake Ship using the elevator.
- Elevator activation equipment is now available to move from the lower layer to the middle layer.
13. The price of the “Captain’s Treasure Chest Key”has been decreased. You can purchase it from the general goods merchant
Pegureronerk in the lower layer of the Steel Rake Ship.
Pegureronerk in the lower layer of the Steel Rake Ship.
14. For safety around the Dredgion exit, quard NPCs have been rearranged.
15. The stats of monsters in the Abyss Fortresses have been adjusted.
- Monsters’ maximum HP has been increased, but Physical Defense has been increased.
1. Changed the options of some items.
2. Changed the full set effect of some set items.
3. Changed the properties of some items.
4. Resolved the problem where the weapon effect of Miragent’s Jewel/Fenril’s Jewel could not be seen.
Item Name
Before Change
After Change
Cloth Shoes of Steel Beard Pirates.
HP +145
MP +346
Magical Resistance +17
Magic Boosting Power +24
Concentration +8
HP +162
MP +346
Magical Resistance +17
Movement Speed +22%
Concentration +8
Plate Shoes of Steel Beard Pirates.
HP +145
Physical Defense +31
Magical Resistance +17
HP +162
Physical Defense +31
Movement Speed +22%
Chain Boots of Steel Beard Pirates.
HP +145
Magic Boosting Power +24
Parry +37
Concentration +8
HP +162
Magic Boosting Power +24
Movement Speed +22%
Concentration +8
Plate Boots of Steel Beard Pirates.
HP +145
Magical Resistance +17
Physical Defense +31
HP +162
Magical Resistance +17
Movement Speed +22%
2. Changed the full set effect of some set items.
Set Item Name
Before Change
After Change
Cloth Set of Steel Beard Pirates
Magical Resistance +60
Movement Speed +22%
Magical Resistance +60
Magic Boosting Power
Leather Set of Steel Beard Pirates
Evasion +65
Movement Speed +22%
Evasion +65
Physical Critical Hit +48
Chain Set of Steel Beard Pirates
Physical Defense +110
Movement Speed +22%
Physical Defense +110
Magical Accuracy +34
Cloth Set of Steel Beard Pirates
Parry +130
Movement Speed +22%
Parry +130
Attack +10
3. Changed the properties of some items.
Item Name
Before Change
After Change
Miragent Weapon/Armor
Cannot be sold at NPC store
Can be sold at NPC store
Fenril Weapon/Armor
Cannot be sold at NPC store
Can be sold at NPC store.
Elemental Stone of Revival
Cannot be stored in account warehouse
Cannot be stored in legion warehouse
Can be stored in account warehouse
Can be stored in the Legion Warehouse
Wandering Soul’s Garnet Earrings
Cannot be sold at NPC Store
Can be sold at NPC Store
4. Resolved the problem where the weapon effect of Miragent’s Jewel/Fenril’s Jewel could not be seen.
5. Slightly increased the EXP gained from gathering and crafting.
- Skill level increases at the same rate as before.
- Skill level increases at the same rate as before.
6. Added description "A hidden effect(s) is activated when you equip the complete set" at the bottom of the tooltip of the item that
has a hidden set effect.
has a hidden set effect.
7. The maximum number of contribution decorations that can be stacked in a slot is now 1000.
8. Corrected the spelling errors in the tooltip description of some items.
9. When you extract Aether, there’s a chance that Aether Poison Gas will infiltrate your body. The poison blocks gathering for a
certain period of time unless you detoxify the poison.
certain period of time unless you detoxify the poison.
10. Once you are poisoned the only way to detoxify yourself is to utter the "Cleansing Word.”
11. To utter the Cleansing Word, type the randomly given letters and numbers within the designated time.
12. When you utter the Word, you get three chances to enter the correct letter/number sequence. If you fail three times, Vitality
Extracting and Aether Extracting are prohibited.
13. The “/ExtractStatus” command provides your extraction status.
Extracting and Aether Extracting are prohibited.
13. The “/ExtractStatus” command provides your extraction status.
14. When you have Aether Poison Gas in your body, you can still move and activate other abilities, so move to a safe place before
you utter the Cleansing Word.
you utter the Cleansing Word.
15. To address various issues during the extraction process, items’ alignment, icons, and function have been changed.
16. The icon for the Extraction Tool item has been changed.
17. When using the Auto-Arrange Cube function, Extraction Tools now move to the first space of the cube.
18. The gauge that shows during extraction is now red.
19. An item that is currently being worn cannot be extracted.
20. The problem that color could not be applied when dyeing Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan’s Shield and Shining Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan’s Shield has been
21. Abnormalities in the item levels of Gold Medals and Silver Medals have been addressed.
22. Abnormal appearances when some items are equipped have been corrected.
22. Abnormal appearances when some items are equipped have been corrected.
23. Tooltip formatting issues with some items have been addressed.
1. New repeat quests have been added to supplement the difficulty of ‘Craft Skills Test’ [Elyos] and ‘Proving the Proficiency of
Crafting Skill’ [Asmodians] quests of Level 50 Daevanion quests.
- You can obtain ‘Boiling Balaur Blood Stain’ as reward from the new repeat quests, which are the craft material items required to
complete the Daevanion quest.
- Elyos can obtain the new repeat quests in Sanctum, and Asmodians can get theirs in Pandaemonium.
Crafting Skill’ [Asmodians] quests of Level 50 Daevanion quests.
- You can obtain ‘Boiling Balaur Blood Stain’ as reward from the new repeat quests, which are the craft material items required to
complete the Daevanion quest.
- Elyos can obtain the new repeat quests in Sanctum, and Asmodians can get theirs in Pandaemonium.
Quest Name
Required Items
Reward Items
Koruchinerk’s Offer
5 Hearts of Magic
100 Boiling Balaur Blood Stains
Muorinerk’s Offer
2. Increased the EXP reward of some quests.
- These quests include many quests in the regions of Eltnen, Theobomos and Interdikah, and the regions of Morheim, Brusthonin
and Beluslan, and also the quests in Reshanta.
5. Increased the drop rate of quest items for Elyos and Asmodian repeatable quests inside the instanced dungeon Steel Rake.
- The list of quests is as following:
- These quests include many quests in the regions of Eltnen, Theobomos and Interdikah, and the regions of Morheim, Brusthonin
and Beluslan, and also the quests in Reshanta.
3. Increased the Kinah and item reward of some quests.
- These quests include many Elyos and Asmodian quests with the recommended level of 20 or higher.
- These quests include many Elyos and Asmodian quests with the recommended level of 20 or higher.
4. Increased the chance of gaining contribution decorations as reward from Elyos and Asmodian repeatable quests that require
defeating the elite guards in the upper layer of Reshanta.
- The list of quests is as following:
defeating the elite guards in the upper layer of Reshanta.
- The list of quests is as following:
[Group] Assault Roah Elites
[Group] Attack Roah Elites
[Group] Assault Kysis Elites
[Group] Attack Kysis Elites
[Group] Assault Miren Elites
[Group] Attack Miren Elites
[Group] Assault Asteria Elites
[Group] Attack Asteria Elites
[Group] Assault Krotan Elites
[Group] Attack Krotan Elites
5. Increased the drop rate of quest items for Elyos and Asmodian repeatable quests inside the instanced dungeon Steel Rake.
- The list of quests is as following:
[Group] Shulack Pirate’s Hairpin
[Group] Hat of the Steel Beard Pirates
[Group] The Pirates’ Pouch
[Group] Trade Ledgers of the Black Cloud Traders
[Group] For the Leader
[Group] A Present for Father
6. The number of Repeat Quests available inside the Steel Rake Ship has been changed:
Before the Change
After the Change
[Group] A Promise to a Customer
[Group] Request of a Wine Lover
50 times
30 times
[Group] Hairpin Ahoy!
[Group] Hat of the Steel Beard Pirates
50 times
30 times
[Group] The Pirate’s Pouch
[Group] Black Cloud Ledgers
50 times
30 times
[Group] Plunder the Pirates
[Group] A Present for Father
50 times
30 times
7. Corrected the spelling errors in the description of reward items and NPC dialogs of some quests.
8. The drop rates for “[Group] How to use Stigma” and “[Group] Stop the Shulacks!” have been increased.
9. Some title effects have been increased.
10.NPCs subject to conversation are now indicated on the map while executing Abyss quests.
Title Name
Existing Option
Modification Option
Sage of Aion
HP +85
HP +150
Movement Speed +3%
Movement Speed +4%
Flight Speed +3%
Flight Speed +3%
Shining Intellectual
HP +70
HP +100
Movement Speed +2%
Movement Speed +3%
11. When you get special rewards upon completion of a quest such as Greater Stigma Slot Expansion, Abyss Points, titles, cube
expansion, or personal storage expansion, an explanation regarding the rewards no longer appears in the explanation window.
expansion, or personal storage expansion, an explanation regarding the rewards no longer appears in the explanation window.
12. To prevent situations where you cannot proceed with a quest due to an NPC’s death, some NPCs’ HP have been increased.
- The Elyos NPC Pater and Asmodian NPC Needham will not attack any characters, and characters cannot attack them.
13. Typos and omissions in some quests and reward items have been addressed.
1. You now receive contribution decorations as reward for successfully defending a fortress under the control of your Legion.
- Gold and silver contribution decorations are issued as a reward.
- The number of contribution decorations you receive for defending a fortress increases as you move from lower layer to upper
to the deepest layer.(Lower < Upper< Deepest)
- Gold and silver contribution decorations are issued as a reward.
- The number of contribution decorations you receive for defending a fortress increases as you move from lower layer to upper
to the deepest layer.(Lower < Upper< Deepest)
Number of Contribution Decorations Received
Fortress Name
Gold Contribution Decoration
Silver Contribution Decoration
Sulfur Fortress
Siel West Fortress
Siel East Fortress
Roah Fortress
Asteria Fortress
Miren Fortress
Krotan Fortress
Kysis Fortress
Divine Fortress
- Contribution decorations issued as rewards are delivered to the mailbox of the Brigade General of the Legion occupying the
2. Extended the time it takes for the Guardian Deity General to appear after a fortress enters the Capturable state.
1. Increased the amount of enmity increased by Templar’s ‘Incite Rage’ skill.
2. Changed the cool time of Assassin’s ‘Contract of Evasion’ skill from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
3. Increased the damage inflicted by Assassin’s ‘Counterattack’ skill.
4. Increased the damage inflicted by Assassin’s ‘Apply Poison’ skill.
5. Increased the amount of enmity reduced by Assassin’s ‘Calming Whisper’ skill.
6. Reduced the MP cost of Sorcerer’s ‘Flame Harpoon’ skill.
7. Increased the damage inflicted by Cleric’s ‘Thunderbolts’ skill.
8. Resolved the issue of the cooldown time not being seen clearly when using Cleric’s ‘Ripple of Purification’ skill.
9. Resolved the problem of abnormal mental conditions not being removed by using Cleric’s ‘Splendor of Purification’ skill.
10. Resolved the problem of the range of Spiritmaster’s Command skills not being modified in PvP.
11. In the Chain Skill window, a function has been added to set up basic Chain Skills to be more convenient.
- In the Chain Skill window, you can click and drag the Chain Skill icon onto skills that have the same condition for use.
- In the Chain Skill window, you can click and drag the Chain Skill icon onto skills that have the same condition for use.
12. During PvP, if the distance from the opposing character becomes farther than the distance required to use a skill, it is possible to
use the skill by adjusting the shooting distance.
use the skill by adjusting the shooting distance.
13. Elyos Templars cannot use the “Shield Retribution” skill unless they first equip a shield.
14. Issues with the Ranger’s “Hunter’s Might” skill and using an attack skill after the Hunter’s Resolution effect disappears have been
15. The Assassin’s “Apply Poison” skill icon has been changed.
16. The damage number in the tool tip explanation of the Spiritmaster’s “Ignite Aether” and “Magic Implosion” now displays properly.
1. Slightly reduced the EXP penalty due to the difference in the levels of group members when in a Group or Force.
2. Elemental Defense has been slightly decreased.
3. Possible casting distances of some skills appear correctly in the tool tip when changing weapons to equip a Polearm or Greatsword.
4. Auto Transfer is no longer removed even when one attacks during the Auto Transfer.
5. The number of Stigma Shards required for equipping a Stigma Stone has been decreased.
6. Maximum Abyss points available for a character above 1-star officer have been increased.
1. A character transformed into a Guardian Deity General can no longer be pulled in by using Templar’s ‘Inescapable Judgment’ skill.
1. Resolved the problem of the Primum Bind Point in Reshanta where you could enter inside by going through the wall of the lower
part of the base.
part of the base.
2. Characters can no longer penetrate into a building in certain areas of Teminon Landing.
3. Characters can no longer stand in the middle of the sky in some areas of Sanctum’s Outer Port.
4. Characters can no longer get stuck in the topography in some areas of Dark Poeta’s Timolia Mine.
1. An Instance Info window has been added to display information before entry into an instanced dungeon.
- You can open the window by using the “/CheckEntry” command or by clicking on Instance Info in the Menu.
- Not only can you check your own standby information, but also that of group members and alliance members.
- You can open the window by using the “/CheckEntry” command or by clicking on Instance Info in the Menu.
- Not only can you check your own standby information, but also that of group members and alliance members.
2. Number buttons have been added to some windows.
- By clicking on the mouse, one can enter prices and volume.
- The colors of numbers change as the prices go up for clearer verification of the volume entered.
- By clicking on the mouse, one can enter prices and volume.
- The colors of numbers change as the prices go up for clearer verification of the volume entered.
3. The search system of the Broker window is now more convenient.
- When searching for an item in the list tab, you can set options such as “Include Keyword” and “Match Keyword.”
- When you select Include Keyword, the system searches for items that include the keyword. Match Keyword searches for the item
that directly corresponds to the keyword.
- The item name automatically appears in the search window when you right-click while opening the list tab, or left-click while
holding down the <Alt> key.
- The item is registered when you right-click on the desired item while opening the Quantity tab.
- When searching for an item in the list tab, you can set options such as “Include Keyword” and “Match Keyword.”
- When you select Include Keyword, the system searches for items that include the keyword. Match Keyword searches for the item
that directly corresponds to the keyword.
- The item name automatically appears in the search window when you right-click while opening the list tab, or left-click while
holding down the <Alt> key.
- The item is registered when you right-click on the desired item while opening the Quantity tab.
4. Auto-Arrange Cube is available for each cube when you have many cubes.
- By right-clicking on the cube’s name, you can use the “Change Tab Name” and “Auto-Arrange Cube” functions.
- By right-clicking on the cube’s name, you can use the “Change Tab Name” and “Auto-Arrange Cube” functions.
5. You can now check your appearance after applying “Color Spray” and “Hair Dye” by using the Preview function before purchasing
6. When using the Plastic Surgery Ticket to change your appearance, a preview function has been added to check your appearance
with a hat on.
- When changing your appearance, you can see how you look with a hat on by clicking on the Hat button.
with a hat on.
- When changing your appearance, you can see how you look with a hat on by clicking on the Hat button.
7. Resolved the problem of the right mouse click not working when purchasing items from the list in the Sales Agency window.
8. On the Sales Agency window, items listed under the categories ‘Weapons’, ‘Armor’, and ’Accessories’ tabs are now displayed
9. Resolved the problem of group members in different channels not being displayed correctly on the map.
10. Characters under Level 5 can no longer use the Search function on the Find Buddy window.
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