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WoW: Crimson Halls hotfixes

Tags : Icecrown Citadel, crimson halls, hotfixes    

Even though Crimson Halls has been open for about half a week, a series of hot fixes have been applied. Most of the fixes posted by Bornakk are applied to Blood Queen Lana'thel. I have to admit though, the bug where the Kinetic Bomb could trigger Blood Queen Lana'thel during the Blood Prince Council encounter did make me chuckle. I'm glad that's been resolved as well.

  • Blood Queen Lana'thel will only be available after the Blood Prince Council is defeated.
  • Blood Queen Lana'thel's Essence has a longer duration.
  • Kinetic Bombs no longer aggro Blood Queen Lana'thel during the Blood Princes encounter.
  • Blood Queen Lanathel should no longer cast Vampiric Bite on pets.

In addition, Daelo posted another set of fixes for the Blood Princes encounter:

  • Prince Keleseth will no longer melee players. So if you get knocked into Keleseth or happen to move by him, he won't swipe in between his casts and kill a non-tank.
  • The first Shadow Resonance should appear earlier in the fight, which will allow the Keleseth tank to have more orbs on him or her if Keleseth is empowered second instead of third. We didn't want which Blood Prince was empowered second to be a major element of the difficulty in the fight.
  • We reduced the melee damage for the Princes by 10% for the 10 player difficulty. They were doing less damage than the 25 player before the hotfix, but this change lowers the damage further.
  • Empowered Flames will now run out of power after shooting fewer firebolts in the 10 player difficulty. We did not change the initial impact damage.

Valnoth states that the Essence duration was lengthened because the developers didn't like the idea of sacrificing a player to get through an encounter. As a healer, I'm inclined to agree. I hate it when I have to stop all heals on a player in order to progress through a counter. It just goes contrary to everything my character stands for.

By: Matt Low

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