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Latest World of Warcraft Vanity Pet Models Unveiled

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Blizzard are really making use of their new World of Warcraft community site and they’ve just used it to offer a sneak peak of the newest vanity pets being released via the Pet Store: the Moonkin Hatchling and the Lil’ Ragnaros. As I was guessing, thanks to the revelation of not one but two icons, there are indeed two versions of the Moonkin Hatchling; one for the Alliance and one for the Horde based off of the Boomkin model, albeit in super-adorable super-deformed style. Personally, I'm torn, they're both incredibly cute. I might actually have to roll a Horde toon just for this pet alone!

Blizzard has also revealed the first look at the epically miniature pet based on everyone’s favourite vanilla WoW endgame boss - Ragnaros himself. Yes you’ve traversed Molten Core now, in honour of his resurrection in Cataclysm, it will soon be possible to have the Firelord as your ever-so-portable companion during your travels in post-Cataclysm Azeroth. Even better, when compared to a normal sized vanity pet, he's huge!

There’s still no word on pricing for these pets but I doubt it will be too long before they are unleashed on the Pet Store. In line with the other pets, I’ll wager a guess you’re probably going to have to shell out around $10/€10 each. But, can you really but a price on having your own mini-Ragnaros or an adorable little Moonkin? Though not.



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