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Prophecies of Doom - Twilight's Cult Quest Line Walkthrough
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The Twilight’s Hammer cult has managed to infiltrate both Stormwind and Orgrimmar kicking off the first phase of the elemental invasion leading up to Cataclysm. While harbingers of doom are nothing new on the streets of either city, something seems a little bit off about these newcomers. People are vanishing and there is unrest in the streets. It's up to you, the player, to discover what these doomsayers are up to and put a stop to it if need be.
Prophecies of Doom
Blood Guard Torek admits he doesn’t know the true motives of these newest arrivals, but he wants to find out without forcing them to go back underground. So it’s your job to go on a mission of some delicacy and find out exactly what these harbingers of doom are up to. To do this you are asked to visit the drag and listen to one of the speeches given by the Doomsayers there and also collect three pamphlets; “Elemental Fire for the Soul”, “What Does ‘The End of All Things’ Mean for Me?”, and Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World”.
Listening to one of the speeches is easy, the Doomsayers can be found scattered throughout the Drag and are easily recognizable by their soapboxes and the large crowds gathered around them. Simply speak to the Doomsayer and he or she will begin their speech. All you have to do it stand nearby and wait till it’s finished to gain credit for this portion of the quest.
The second portion of the quest, collecting the three pamphlets, is just as easy. Make your way down the drag to the various Doomsayers and the pamphlets can be spotted laying near the Doomsayers feet. I personally found one on the second Doomsayer from the Valley of Strength, the next near the third Doomsayer found near the tree in the Drag, and the final pamphlet was on the fourth Doomsayer near the entrance to the Valley of Honor. All the pamphlets sparkle like any other quest item and are easy to spot. Once all three are collected head back to the Valley of Strength and Blood Guard Torek for further instructions.
Signs of the Times
Blood Guard Torek has decided that this cult will not be allowed to cause panic and hysteria in the citizens of Orgrimmar. You are given the task of discouraging interest in the cult while gathering even more information. This first step is a mild one and you are simply required to visit the heavily traveled areas of Orgrimmar where Blood Guard Torek’s men have set up markers where you will place 5 posters that will aid in the process of exposing the cult for what it really is.
The markers can be found in the Valley of Strength, the Drag, or the Valley of Honor and are very easy to spot. Each marker is made up of a small wooden post, combined with a blue arrow hovering over top of it and they literally can be found all over each of the above listed areas. You DO NOT have to visit all three of the areas mentioned above, you can place any amount of markers you want in any of the areas. Once you have found a marker, click on the Warning Posters located in your bag to place the poster on the marker.
When all 5 of the posters are placed return to Blood Guard Torek for more instructions.
Infiltrating the Cult
Now that the seeds of truth have been sown about the cult, it’s time for you to glean some more information about them. This time it’s your task to figure out where exactly they came from, where the group is hiding, and what their practices are. How are you going to manage all of this? Well your going to join them of course!
To join the cult speak aquire a set of cultist robes from the boxes that can be found near the Doomsayers in the Drag. Put on the robes and report to Overseer Jintak at the Jaggedswine Farm directly outside of Orgrimmar.
Spreading the Word
Once you are welcomed by Overseer Jintak she will explain that all cult members work at Jaggedswine Farm to earn their keep. As a new member of the cult, you will of course be expected to share in some of the duties. Thankfully you don’t get charged with cleaning up swine poo, instead you get to wear a stylin’ Doomsday Message Board to help spread the message of the cult. While wearing the board you are charged with visiting the eastern and western Zeppelin towers outside Orgrimmar as well as the town square of Razor Hill.
Journey to each of the locations listed above where you will spout off some end of the world goodness while wearing your message board to complete the quest. Once completed return to Overseer Jintak at Jaggedswine Farm.
The Master’s Plan
You are thanked by Overseer Jintak for your efforts and of course assigned a new task since you are apparently fitting in oh so well. This task requires you to learn more of your newfound brothers and sisters and the cults plans. To do this you will be attending a ritual conducted by Overseer Golbaz at the eastern end of Jaggedswine Farm.
Find the large alter, and wait for Overseer Golbaz to appear. A large group of cultists will gather round and an image of Cho’Gall will be summoned. As Cho’Gall’s speech drones on you will learn that the cult is creating devices that will be placed all over the city. At an appointed time the devices will unleash fire elementals setting the stage for the master’s return. It may be an understatement to say that this is not good at all.
Once the speech is over return to Overseer Jintak at Jaggedswine Farm.
The Doomsday Plan
Now that the master’s plan is clear to you, you are ask to do you part in furthering it. The first batch of elemental devices are ready to go and you are ask to conceal them within in the walls of Orgrimmar without drawing attention to yourself. Of course, spy that you are, will be doing no such thing. Once you have aquired the devices from Overseer Jintak take them straight to Blood Guard Torek in the Valley of Strength.
Blood Guard Torek will inspect the devices and reveal that the presence of Cho’Gall indicates that the cult is indeed the cursed Twilight’s Hammer. He also informs you that you will not be the only one that has been sent into the city with these devices. Uh oh.
Thwarting Twilight’s Hammer
Orgrimmar must be saved, and so you are tasked with finding and destroying the devices and defeating 5 fire elementals. To do this you will need to break them apart before the fire elementals inside reach their full strength leaving them vulnerable and easy to defeat. The devices themselves can be found all over the city and look much like spinning lamps. The devices also sparkle making them even easier to find. Right click on the devices to break them. Once broken a fire elemental will appear almost instantly, however they can be defeated easily. The hardest part of this quest is finding a device not being used by someone else. Kill 5 elementals to complete this quest then return to Blood Guard Torek in the Valley of Strength.
Alert Our Leaders
Now that Orgrimmar is safe for the time being it’s time to alert those in charge. Journey to the Valley of Wisdom where you will find Garrosh Hellscream in Grommash Hold (where Thrall can normally be found). Inform Garrosh that the Horde’s enemies have once again exposed themselves and all of the Horde should prepare for their return.
Prophecies of Doom
Captain Anton will share his fears with you about the newest arrivals to the city who are gathering quite a following with their tales of doom. These Doomsayers have set up shop in Old Town and you are charged with finding out what they are up to. To do this you must listen to one of their speeches and collect three pamphlets; “Elemental Fire for the Soul”, “What Does ‘The End of All Things’ Mean for Me?”, and Finding Security and Comfort in a Doomed World”.
To complete the first portion of the quest simply right click on any of the Doomsayers scattered throughout Old Town. Indicate that you will hear what they have to say and sit back and listen as they ramble on. Once you have listened to their speech it’s time to collect some pamphlets. These can be found at the feet of the Doomsayers in Old Town and look like rolled up scrolls. These scrolls are easy to spot and collect as they sparkle like most quest items.
Collect all three and return to Captian Anton with your findings.
Signs of the Times
Interest must be reduced in this doomsday cult before complete panic rules the streets of Stormwind. To do this Captain Anton charges you with steaming the tide of new followers by placing 5 Warning Posters in the Trade District, Cathedral Square, Old Town, or the Mage Quarter of Stormwind. His men have already helped you out by placing markers at ideal places for the posters.
The markers can be found scattered throughout any of these places and are fairly easy to spot. Small wooden poles have been set up and each has a blue arrow indicating it’s presence. Right click on the Warning Posters in your bag near one of these poles and the poster will automatically be set up. Please note that you DO NOT have to visit all of the above listed zones. Your posters can be placed wherever works best for you.
Once you have placed 5 Warning Posters return to Captain Anton in Stormwind Keep.
Infiltrating the Cult
Now that potential new followers will be discouraged from this cult, it’s time to learn more about them. Your parents may not be pleased, but there is no better way to learn about the cult than to actually join it. To do this head back to Old Town and obtain a Doomsday Cult Robe from the boxes that can be found just beside the Doomsayers there. Put on your new robes and report to Overseer Sylandra at Mirror Lake Orchard in Elwynn Forest southwest of Stormwind’s gates.
Spreading the Word
Now that you have been accepting into the cult it’s time that you pay your dues just like everyone else. You are therefore assigned to the rather easy task of spreading the Doomsday message. To do this you are provided with a rather ridiculous message board that you are instructed to wear while visiting the Westbrook Garrison in the southwest, Goldshire to the east, and the Valley of Heroes inside Stormwind. So strap on your message board which can be found in your bags and begin on your way.
Visit each of the above mentioned places where you will spout off about the end of the world and be ridiculed by several disgruntled guards. After you are finished return to Overseer Sylandra at Mirror Lake Orchard.
The Master’s Plan
Now that you have proven your worth Overseer Sylandra has decided it’s time you are exposed to the full message of the cult. A ritual held by Overseer Talathor is taking place at an alter found just west of Mirror Lake Orchard and you invited to attend. Head west just behind the little house to the alter and wait on the appearance of Overseer Talathor for the ritual to begin.
Eventually Overseer Talathor will appear with several other cultist and the ritual will begin. Don’t worry if this seems to take awhile, Talathor will come, he’s just a little slow. Once the ritual begins an image of Cho’Gall will appear. Here you will find out that the devices the cult is making will be planted inside Stormwind and when the time is right wind elementals will be unleashed from them wrecking havoc on the city. Once the message is finished return to Overseer Sylandra at Mirror Lake Orchard.
The Doomsday Plan
Now that your clued in Overseer Sylandra thinks it’s time you take a bigger part in the cult’s plans. She wants you to sneak some of the devices into Stormwind and conceal them without being detected. Don’t worry though, you haven’t gone over to the dark side instead of planting the devices you will instead deliver them directly into the hands of Captain Anton in Stormwind Keep.
Thwarting Twilight’s Hammer
When you deliver the devices Captain Anton reveals that he was a little worried about you and was starting to think you had changed sides. He will inspect the devices and inform you
that the presence of Cho’Gall means that the cult is indeed the evil Twilight’s Hammer.
Unfortunatly while the devices you carried will never be put to ill use, there have to be other devices already in the city. Of course you are the one that will have to seek out and destroy these devices. You must do this before the elemental inside gains full strength. If you achieve this the elemental will be vulnerable and easy to kill. You will need to defeat 5 wind elementals total.
The devices are easy to spot, hovering just above the ground, and looking like lamps. The devices also sparkle making missing them near impossible. Simply right click on the device to break it and the elemental inside will appear. Defeat the elemental and move on to the next device. Do this 5 times to complete the quest then return to Captain Anton in Stormwind Keep.
Warn King Wrynn
Now that Stormwind is safe (at least for now) it’s time to alert King Wrynn to the impending danger. King Wrynn can be found in the throne room of Stormwind Keep, just a little ways away from Captian Anton. Give King Wrynn the news to complete this quest and be proclaimed a true hero of both Stormwind and the Alliance.
Source: tontehammer.com
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